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Thursday, February 4, 2010


When I first started watching this video I was thinking to myself "hurry up and end" but that did not last very long. Only a minute or two into the video it really began to catch my attention and I became more and more impressed with the video as it went on. Inspiration is possibly one of the most useful tools I think a teacher could ever have. It provides him with an easy way to create graphs, charts, and powerpoints. I think the most amazing thing it does is that it can convert charts and graphs into note form which is very useful and a wonderful time saver. As a physical education instructor I may not use this as much as other content teachers, but it can be useful to keep track of any chart, diagrams, or powerpoints I may use.

An activity that can benefit form multiple revisions and feedback is a quick write that develops into a paper. A quick write is a simple activity where the students take just a few minutes to write a few sentences down about what they have read. If you quick write every day you allow the students to quick write every day the students begin to build a paper. With student peer revisions it allows them to elaborate and bounce ideas off of each other. Technology can be used to support peer feed back with the use of a blog site, or some kind of revision site for the class. The site can allow students to offer up their papers for peer reviews or ideas without having to be in class. Of course these would have to monitored and maintained be the teacher.

A few semesters ago I did have to teach a topic that I was not very familiar with. Before I taught it I had to do some research on it so that I would know what I was teaching . After I had taught it to the class I did know it a little bit better. I have also taught a subject that I was pretty familiar with, but after teaching it I felt that I knew it better anyway.

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