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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

End of the year

I like the lesson plan that we created. I think that it suits both of us, and is something that we have sound knowlege about. I think the only place that we encountered a problem was attempting to cover all of the different learning styles.

I really liked this class. It was entertaining and yet we got stuff done. I don't really know if we should have done anything differently, I liked the order the class went in. Sometimes we needed to slow down just a bit, but other than that everything was good. I think the biggest thing I learned in the class was that it is important in incorporate technology into the classroom, even in P.E. I absolutley think it is a must that teachers today knopw how to use current technology in the classroom.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 7

I believe that instructors should have access to the best technology that is out. We all know that technology is booming and that students, even at a young age, have fairly easy access to this technology. These items include the newest game systems out, fastest computers available, and the newest versions of the iPod or iPhone. If students are already familiar with this technology before ever stepping into a classroom, the why shouldn't teachers be able to utilize this technology in the classroom to enhance the learning.

In my opinion, I believe that in class chat rooms and instant messages would be much more of a distraction than a help. In class use of this would result in students just chatting with each other about everything else other than what they are supposed to be talking about in class. Using these instant messages would simply distract students during class. However, I think that the use of instant messages and chat rooms for learning are a major help outside of the classroom. For instance, if a student is misses class or just has questions about an assignment they can log into a class chat room and get the homework, or get help with their work.

The biggest benefit of asynchronous communication is that a student can access the information anywhere and at anytime they please. This is helpful because students are so busy now and htis gives them the opportunity to do their work on their own time. On the other hand, face to face learning gives students more of a one on one interaction which can strengthen a students understating of material.

Podcasts are a major benefit to teachers because it allows them to give supplement information that they may not have time for in class. Also, if a teacher has his lecture available via podcasts, students could re listen to lectures when they get home. This is helpful because students often forget information, or simply may have missed something in class.

Yes I agree with the article. Video games can be very useful in teaching students. This is especially true with younger learners. Video games can teach students the alphabet, proper grammer, and things like math. With older students, things such as Dance Dance revolution can be used to get students motivated in physical movement. When I have children I will let them play video games, because most video games offer some type of educational value.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 5 Personality

I believe that everyone learns differently. Not everyone is the same and we have all had different life experiences that effect the way we learn. Some are auditory, some are visual, and others can be kinesthetic learners. Peoples personalities do play a role in how they learn. For instance I am a hands on person and need to be shown how to do something before I can begin to do it.

According to my results I have a ways to go in working on my future planning because I live in the present. However, this will come in handy for me because I know that many high school students are the same way and I will be able to relate to them and their scattered brains. Also, me personality result sheet says that I have great people skills and will be able to communicate with them easily. So yes I believe that this test will help me know my students better.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Excell Worksheets

I really liked using the spreadsheets, they were not that difficult to use and were very handy. They can be very useful, as long as you know what you are doing. I do plan on using spreadsheets in my class of the future.

As teachers, I believe the main thing we use spreadsheets for are grading purposes. With a spreadsheet you do not have to keep reentering calculations, you just enter a formula and it figures everything out for you. This eleminates a need for a calculator when it comes to doing grades. Spreadsheets can also be used to create timelines, worksheets, schedules, and calendars.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


When I first started watching this video I was thinking to myself "hurry up and end" but that did not last very long. Only a minute or two into the video it really began to catch my attention and I became more and more impressed with the video as it went on. Inspiration is possibly one of the most useful tools I think a teacher could ever have. It provides him with an easy way to create graphs, charts, and powerpoints. I think the most amazing thing it does is that it can convert charts and graphs into note form which is very useful and a wonderful time saver. As a physical education instructor I may not use this as much as other content teachers, but it can be useful to keep track of any chart, diagrams, or powerpoints I may use.

An activity that can benefit form multiple revisions and feedback is a quick write that develops into a paper. A quick write is a simple activity where the students take just a few minutes to write a few sentences down about what they have read. If you quick write every day you allow the students to quick write every day the students begin to build a paper. With student peer revisions it allows them to elaborate and bounce ideas off of each other. Technology can be used to support peer feed back with the use of a blog site, or some kind of revision site for the class. The site can allow students to offer up their papers for peer reviews or ideas without having to be in class. Of course these would have to monitored and maintained be the teacher.

A few semesters ago I did have to teach a topic that I was not very familiar with. Before I taught it I had to do some research on it so that I would know what I was teaching . After I had taught it to the class I did know it a little bit better. I have also taught a subject that I was pretty familiar with, but after teaching it I felt that I knew it better anyway.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Assignment 2

I believe that blogs can be very useful in education. Blogs provide a great place for students to come together outside of school and share ideas and answers questions others may have about an assignment. Incorporating blogs into classes allows students to become accustom with computers and other programs if they are not already so. This is important because more and more businesses are relying on computers for everyday work. Having students blog gives them a head start with using computers. Students blogging can also be useful in that some students are shy or scared to ask about something in class. Blogging gives them the chance to ask their question and not feel embarrassed. The best way blogging comes in handy is that students lead very busy lives in and out of school so finding time to meet with a tutor teacher can be very difficult. Blogging allows these students to keep in touch with teachers and classmates outside of school. The only way blogging could become a waste of time or problem with students is if the teacher does not use or monitor the blog. So long as it is maintained and controlled by the teacher blogging is a great resource. My curriculum is physical education which makes incorporating technology a little bit difficult, but it can be done. One way is the use of active video games such as Nintendo's Wi Fit, and games like Dance Dance revolution which promote students to move. Other ways include students using heart monitors and watches to keep track of their heart rate. Students can the blog about their progress or maybe activities that they find interesting and can be used in class.


Hey everyone!

My name is Anthony and I'm a senior hoping to graduate in December. Im 21 and fixing to turn 22 in 2 weeks. The neat thing about that is that my brother has the same birthday and we are not twins. I will be 22 and he'll be 17. I am an all-level Kinesiology major and plan to teach P.E. and coach football and track at the high school level. As some of you know I am in my final track season here at the university. I always have full meets because I compete in the 100, 200, 4X1 and throw javelin. Mexican food is my favorite and could survive alone on that. If you wanna know anythig more feel free to comment on the post.